







New roof covering Lead renewal Withiel church tower New roof covering Truro Cathedral

Why Choose us for your Restoration Project

Since our first step into ‘conservation’ way back in the early 1990s, we were fascinated with how these older buildings and churches were built in the first place. That old ‘curiosity killed the cat’ phrase comes to mind, and, to add to that proverb: ’but satisfaction brought it back!

Yes, after years of ‘new-build’ and other assorted uninteresting projects a few senior team members expressed an interest in escaping from the mundane to try the unusual. Chartered Surveyor, David Scott, based in Truro, invited us to tender for works on an older building within the Priory grounds. Once in there we learnt just how sensibly built these buildings were and with what materials. We were hooked.

Heritage Cornwall Project History

Now, almost twenty years since that project we have undertaken major and minor works on forty eight churches in Cornwall, five in Devon, five chapels, several ruins such as Lanson Priory and Bodmin’s Berry Tower, Truro Cathedral, Plymouth Catholic Cathedral, a redundant church in Ireland; a synagogue, three Holy Wells; over thirty ruined tin and copper mines in Cornwall and Devon, not to mention the one in Ireland! Add to this list many ‘houses’ of medieval origin, some minor works, some very major works, plus numerous other interesting projects, small and large.

Heritage Cornwall Ltd are the Restoration Professionals

We are fully committed to Conservation and conservation (there is a difference) of our built heritage. Our team is professional in every way. We take on apprentices most years with a view to training them up in the way we have come to work, with sympathy for the older fabric and to look to our future, preserving our past!

New roof and chimney; Trebarwith
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